Monday, July 30, 2012

Stripe Inspired Post

This post is brought to you by stripes! Inspired by Whoorl. Aaron and I are on the ferry on the start of our road trip to Alberta! Were off the go see Grandpa Bob, a stop in a at my dad's. Tomorrow my sisters, and Wednesday Cowtown! Aaron will be with his paternal grandparents and Then momma's off to a country music festival! Lets pray there are no tornado warnings. Weather has been weird on the prairies this past week. I am terrified of tornadoes!

Aaron and I both happen both be in stripes today! Aaron courtesy of The Children's Place and me of  friend who lent me this shirt that I just love and no I will never ever find! So I will wear every time I get the chance.  Were killing time Aaron watching his DVD player, me tooling around the interweb.

A squirmey preschooler makes for a good post! You get the gist if his shirt.

1 comment:

S.I.F. said...

Cute! Hope you guys are having a blast!